The Wait is Over
- I review an outdoors related book on Mountain Mom and Tots.
- For every book, I ask one or two questions. The questions will be applicable to all, whether you read the book or not.
- Just post a comment and the discussion can grow from there.
Want to see all the books I’ve reviewed? Check out the Mountain Mom and Tots Book Club page.
Now on to the main event!
I reviewed this book earlier this summer for the inaugural outdoor book club post, but recently saw it on my desk and decided it needed a post of its own. (Psst…this post has affiliate links).
Here’s my review from summer of 2016. Even though it’s focused on warm weather activities, 101 Things for Kids to Do Outside also includes activities like creating a mini igloo and making snow lanterns.
101 Things For Kids To Do Outside
The other book I’m reviewing in this inaugural Mountain Mom and Tots Book Club post is 101 Things For Kids To Do Outside by Dawn Isaacs. It’s full of fun outdoor activities, many of which kids can do completely on their own.
When Firefly Books offered me a copy to review I didn’t think much of it, other than it seemed like a cool book. When I actually looked through the book I was surprised at how sucked in I got. The photos and illustrations are adorable and I love how Isaacs writes directly to kids.
Each project is just a page or two and there’s a wide variety of activities to choose from. Only have an hour or less? Make flower fairies or rustle up a bird feast like little G and I did (note: birds can tell the difference between lard and bacon grease). Blow giant bubbles, balance stones or take the matchbox challenge. Want a summer long project to engage kids with the outdoors? Plant a mobile herb garden, brew your own plant food or construct a stumpery.
101 Things For Kids To Do Outside is full of ideas on how to have fun outdoors. I like that I can pick and choose which projects would work for our family based on age, season, time and interest. Our current family favorite from 101 Things For Kids To Do Outside is to Go on a bear hunt – basically playing hide and seek with stuffed animals.
Now when Big E complains that he’s bored and there’s nothing to do but play on electronics I can hand him this book and kick him out the door.
Comment Questions for 101 Things For Kids To Do Outside:
What is your favorite outdoor activity? What is your kids’ favorite outdoor activity?
Leave a comment with your thoughts! I want to hear what you think!