Bridal Veil Falls Summer Edition

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When I asked Big E where he wanted to go yesterday he said Bridal Veil Falls without a second thought. I tried to encourage a choice that didn’t involve packing, loading, buckling, driving, unbuckling, and unloading but in the end it was worth it.

The paved trail makes for easy stroller access which is more comfortable for me than the hiking pack anyway. Like all of our adventures it seems, this one involved water and throwing things into it. The great thing about Bridal Veil is that the water was low enough that I wasn’t worried about letting Big E splash around by himself while little g and I watched from the side. It’s beautiful, has easy access and was quite fun. However it was cold water, for sure.

Full moon lift ride at Sundance

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Living in the mountains is especially magical when there is a full moon.  The otherworldly quality of the silver moonlight on the aspens and oaks is magnificent.  With the summer solstice later this month the days are getting longer and longer.  And because of that, the nights are shorter and shorter leaving less time to enjoy the beauty of a moonlit world.  Lucky for Mountain Dad and me we live near Sundance Resort.
Throughout the summer Sundance offers moonlight lift rides during the full moon.  So Monday night saw us in line at 9:00 pm for a relaxing ride up the mountain.  Soaring over the pine trees and mountain bike trails into the twilight was like leaving a mundane world for a magical one.  The warm wind on our face got colder the higher we got.  The pleasant ride next to my sweetheart was one part romance, another adventure.  The moon was blocked by the mountains at the base but after 10 minutes on Rays Lift we saw the bright yellow orb rising in the east.  It was beautiful and lit everything with its otherworldly glow.
I have to say this was one of my favorite experiences so far this year.  It was fun to get out into nature and experience the beauty of that bright night sky.

Stewart Falls River Valley Hike

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Mountain Mom and little g with Stewart Falls in the background.
Big E on the trail.
Big E by the river with his trusty digger.
I was so proud of Big E on this hike.  As a 3 1/2 year old with short legs I did not expect him to hike so well for so long.  We took off toward Stewart Falls first thing in the morning and enjoyed wildflowers, warm weather and a bubbling brook for our trouble.  Little g was in the hiking pack for the first time and only complained when I stopped moving.
I’ve noticed that hiking with Big E is most successful with a destination involving water.  Most of the posts on this blog involve Big E throwing something into water.  What can I say?  There’s something magical in watching and listening to water.  Even though we didn’t make it all the way to Stewart Falls the water flowing down the mountain from the falls was enough of a distraction for this little guy.  The beautiful mountains, green meadow dotted with wildflowers and warm sun on my face was enough for me.  What a beautiful world.

Big E throwing rocks

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These photos are of Big E and his buddy Jack throwing rocks into the pond at Sundance resort. I’ve found that the best kind of ‘hike’ for three year olds involve some sort of water either to look at or play in. Big E especially loves throwing rocks so this was a big win. I was impressed that he and Jack did so well, even with some steep sections of the trail. Playing I Spy along the way seems to keep him motivated. Conveniently I kept spying things further along in the direction I wanted to travel.

We miss Jack, his sister and mommy who came on this hike with us. Hopefully we can have more adventures with them soon!