Snowboarding and Motherhood Part 1

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Snowboarding and Motherhood

Yesterday was Big E’s birthday party. I had planned to have a small group of his friends come play in our six feet of snow, but a blizzard made driving to our house dangerous. Over a foot of snow fell yesterday, which is great for a snowboarder like me, but makes regular Mom life a bit tricky.

Snowboarding and motherhood have both been on my mind. That may seem like an odd pairing, but for me they are two great joys in my life. Snowboarding and motherhood are inseparably connected, and to explain why I need to tell you a story.

This post is the first half. Be sure to come back to read Snowboarding and Motherhood Part 2. Continue reading “Snowboarding and Motherhood Part 1”

A Long Trek Home by Erin McKittrick – Author Interview

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Welcome to the first Mountain Mom and Tots Outdoor Book Club post of 2017. This month I’m reviewing A Long Trek Home: 4,000 Miles by Boot, Raft, and Ski by Erin McKittrick.

A Long Trek Home

A Long Trek Home: 4,000 Miles by Boot, Raft, and Ski is the story of one couples’ epic adventure traveling from Seattle, Washington, USA to the Aleutian Islands – the outermost tip of Alaska all under their own power.  They walked, cross-country skied and rafted their way through sun, wind, rain and snow for 4,000 miles. 4,000 miles! During this year of outdoor adventure they carried their pack rafts, shelter, food, clothing and everything else they needed on their backs. Continue reading “A Long Trek Home by Erin McKittrick – Author Interview”

Best of Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2017

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Twice a year tens of thousands of outdoor industry professionals descend on Salt Lake City for the industry’s largest trade show – Outdoor Retailer. January 10-12, 2017 brought thousands of outdoor industry professionals together to showcase snow sports, apparel, accessories and gear for the outdoor lover.

If you’re looking for the Best of Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2017 look no further. These top fifteen gear picks are really cool.

Back country split board at outdoor retailer Demo Day

Continue reading “Best of Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2017”

Mountain Mom and Tots Monthly Outdoor Challenge

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NOVEMBER 2018 UPDATE: You can sign up for the current monthly outdoor challenge in the boxes in this post or at New Year! What will your 2017 bring? If you made a goal to get outdoors more in 2017, you’re in luck! That’s my 2017 goal too. I wouldn’t call it a resolution because I don’t believe in those.

Instead I’m thinking of it as an outdoor hobby of the month. A monthly outdoor challenge that will encourage me and my kids to get outdoors. Will you join me? There are PRIZES involved!

Monthly Outdoor Challenge Pin

Continue reading “Mountain Mom and Tots Monthly Outdoor Challenge”