Third Annual #ThankfulForFamilies #OutdoorFamilies Instagram Contest

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It’s that time of year again! Time to get excited for THANKSGIVING!

glacier-7-of-22Thanksgiving may not have the razzle dazzle of Christmas or the promised sugar rush of Halloween, but it’s one of my favorite holidays. Taking time to be grateful? I think everyone can get behind that.

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Get Outside No Matter the Weather

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We’ve entered the shoulder season, the reverse spring when the weather can’t decide if it’ll be warm, windy, rainy or freezing.
I have to be honest. This is not my favorite time of year. The trees by my house have already dropped their leaves so the landscape is grey and dull. There’s no sparkling white snow to snowboard on and not enough warm sun to entice me outside either. My body isn’t used to bracing against the wind, rain or cold so when I open my door, I quickly want to shut it again.

But enough whining. I know I need to be outdoors everyday in order to not turn into a mean nasty troll. My kids need to be outdoors so they can run and climb and make messes I don’t have to clean up.

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Happy Halloween – Now Get Outside!

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Do you know what I love about Halloween? It’s a holiday primarily celebrated outside. Whether you plan an Halloween costume hike, do some of these great outdoor activities or just walk around the neighborhood trick-or-treating, the invitation is always to get outdoors. Here are ten ways we’ll celebrate Halloween Outdoors. How will you celebrate today?


Jump in Fall Leaves? Thumbs Up.

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Five Best National Parks for Family Biking

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We spent a lot of time biking on our National Park to Park Highway tour this year, so I feel like I know which parks have good family biking options. Each of these top five picks have dedicated paved trails (pretty flat too) so you don’t have to bike on the road with young kids. Not to mention they’re all beautiful and the bike trails take you to visitor centers, scenic overlooks and fun places to explore.

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