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There’s a grand debate over how much electronic time kids should have, both on the internet and here in our home. Our rule is that tablets, computers and games on Mom and Dad’s phones don’t work in the National Parks.
When Big E was smaller and didn’t understand how parental controls worked, it was easy to just turn off the the screen and claim the electronics really didn’t work while we drove through beautiful places. Now he’s figured us out, so instead it’s just a family rule.
But what about those monotonous times in between national park destinations? We’re on a 6,000 mile National Park to Park Highway road trip after all. In those times, I don’t mind if my kids play video games, in fact I encourage it. If they are entertained, and possibly learning something they won’t be fighting with each other or asking me to entertain them. Also, I’ve been working on my computer throughout the trip and it’d be hypocritical of me to say I get to use electronics while my kids can’t.
Having electronic devices on any trip means you have to have a way to charge them. While the car is running we can charge things off the vehicle battery, but that’s not the best option for getting energy while camping.
That’s where our trip sponsor, BioLite Energy came in. BioLite manufactures stoves, lights and solar panels that work double duty. In addition to efficient cooking from burning wood, the BioLite Wood Burning Campstovecharges your electronic devices. It’s really cool.
We’ve used the BioLite Wood Burning Campstove quite a bit on our National Park to Park Highway trip. It’s great for boiling water, which we needed every day. Finding and breaking down sticks so they fit in the camp stove was a little bit of a hassle, but the abundance of free fuel balanced that out. The built in fan keeps the heat going strong and with the BioLite KettlePot the BioLite Wood Burning Campstove worked great as a stove. Unfortunately the grill attachment was just too small for our family.
Since it boiled water so fast, there wasn’t sufficient time to charge electronics well. For charging, I prefer using a solar panel. BioLite’s SolarPanel 5+ is lightweight and portable with a built in battery, stand and sun dial to maximize the charge. The five watt panel was enough to charge my phone to half capacity during a moderately sunny day. We strapped it on the back of our bike trailer to charge on the go, or set it on the dashboard of our truck to charge while driving. But with our constant need for energy the SolarPanel 5+ wasn’t quite enough.
That’s why my favorite BioLite product was the NanoGrid. The PowerLight flashlight/lantern is also a power station to recharge phones and cameras. It’s bright, rechargeable and hooks up to SiteLights, extending the glow throughout the campsite. Charge the PowerLight at home and the internal battery stores electricity to use while you’re in the outdoors. The PowerLight would work great for about a three day camp out before running out of juice.
The other thing I like about BioLite is its commitment to bring clean energy everywhere. As a carbon neutral company, BioLite creates cleaner energy solutions for indoor cooking fires in India and Africa through the BioLite HomeStove . A portion of every purchase is reinvested in its mission to bring energy everywhere.
For you parents out there, how do you balance electronics on a road trip? What do you allow?
BioLite Energy gave me the items above for review. My opinions are my own. This post includes affiliate links. See all of our National Park to Park Highway Sponsors here.
Our trip to Crater Lake National Park was spectacular. Those views! That water! Some scientists believe Crater Lake is the largest, clearest, cleanest body of water on earth. We already know it’s the deepest in the US at over 1,900 feet deep. Oregon’s only national park sure is a good one, but what can you do there with kids?
Hike – The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) crosses into Crater Lake National Park and many through hikers camp at Mazama campground at the park’s entrance. When we were there a wildfire closed part of the PCT so many hikers were forced to change plans. I wouldn’t attempt the massive 2,650 mile scenic backpacking trail with my three tots, but I would try the six mile alternate hike with views of Crater Lake.
Drive – The rim drive is the highlight of any Crater Lake visit. Even the original National Park to Park Highway tour had the chance to drive around this beautiful blue, since building a road around the rim was a top priority when the national park was first formed. It’s a beautiful scenic drive, but be aware that parts of the road are closed until mid to late June every year because of snow.
Bike – The 30 mile ride circumventing Crater Lake was well beyond my family’s abilities, but it’s definitely something I’d like to try in the future. While the road is open to cyclists all season long, you may not enjoy the small shoulder, heavy traffic experience. Well, you’re in luck! Twice a year Crater Lake hosts vehicle free on the East Rim Drive. It’s a perfect chance to get out without all the car traffic. This year the vehicle free days are September 17 and 24, 2016.
Swim – Jump in the bluest water this side of the Caribbean, only don’t expect it to be that warm. The water in Crater Lake comes solely from rain and snow melt and surface temperature averages only 55 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The only access to the lake is via Cleetwood Cove trail, a steep 1.1 mile hike from the rim. Even so, we HAD to swim in Crater Lake. It was too beautiful to pass up and I highly suggest you make the effort to jump in. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) the trail is closed for maintenance from August 2016 through summer 2017.
Ski or Snowshoe – With over 500 inches of annual snowfall, Crater Lake is a great place for winter recreation. Parts of the rim drive are closed to vehicles in the winter, but cross country skis and snow shoes are allowed in those areas. Strap some on and see Crater Lake in a whole new way.
Boat – Private boats are not allowed on Crater Lake, but craterlakelodges.com offers lake cruises or tours of wizard island. This is the only legal way to experience Crater Lake by boat, but be aware that children under three are not allowed.
Camp – Mazama campground at the southern entrance of Crater Lake National Park has over 200 camp sites, a camp store, laundry and nearby restaurant. There are also backpacking campsites available, but permits are required. Check out all the camping options here.
Crater Lake was so beautiful, I kinda wondered why it wasn’t as popular as Sequoia or Yosemite. Now that I’ve been there, I think it should be on the list of every outdoor traveler in the US. Why not visit the deepest lake in the US? It’s pretty amazing.
Have you ever been to Crater Lake? What was your experience?