I feel so blessed looking back on all the outdoor fun my mountain family had this year. This Thanksgiving I’m teaming up with 20 awesome outdoor family bloggers to share the gratitude love. You know what that means! Giveaways!
Post a NEW photo of your outdoor family on Instagram making sure to include both #ThankfulForFamilies AND #OutdoorFamilies and tell us why you love your family!
Follow ALL of our awesome participating hosts to win! Tap on MY photo(@YOURINSTAGRAMNAME) to see where to go next. Follow that host, and find THEIR awesome prize in their feed. Tap on their photo to see where to go next. Repeat until you have come full circle.
Check out ALL the awesome giveaways and make a comment (one per photo) on the prize(s) you want to win!
Contest will run from November 19-30, 2015.
Entrants must be a resident of US or Canada
Entrants’ Instagram account must be a public account.
Entrants MUST follow all the participating bloggers on Instagram (listed below) to be eligible to win any of the prizes: @mommyhiker @jennifer_fontaine @outdoorfammag @adventuretykes @natureforkids @currentlywandering @meghanjward @mtnmamatales @mountainMomYYC @pedaladventures @playoutsidegal @rockieschick22 @mrmoosefish @chasquimom @activekidsclub @mountainmomtots @co_mtnmom @familyadventureblogger @valinreallife (look to our posts in Instagram to link you up directly!)
Entrants must post a new, original, and taken by you photo (a re-posted photo or tagging an old photo will disqualify you) to Instagam of their family, or members of their family, outdoors.
All photos entered in the contest must be tagged with BOTH #OutdoorFamilies AND #ThankfulForFamilies.
Entrants must comment on Instagram on the specific prize they are entering to win. Photographs of prizes will be distributed among all the hosts’ Instagram feeds. Entrants need to only comment ONCE per prize. Additional comments DO NOT equal additional entries.
Entrants may post a photo once per day to their Instagram feeds for additional entries, up to 12 entries total. All photos must use the two contest hashtags.
All photo entries must be submitted by 10 pm MST on November 30th.
All winners will be chosen randomly from all submitted entries at the end of the week and announced on each of the blogs after December 1st. Notifying comments will also be left on the winning photos on Instagram.
Hosts will do their best to contact winners. If prizes are not claimed within 48 hours of notification, the prize will go to the next winner.
1 Gift basket from Action Wipes (US and Canada)
1 kid’s climbing bag from Static Climbing (US and Canada)
1 Wrap or Ringsling Carrier from Beachfront Baby (US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)
1 Haze Hoody by Stonewear (US Only)
TomTom GO 500/600 (US only)
Adventure Tykes: http://www.AdventureTykes.com
The Adventures in Parenthood Project: http://www.AdventurousParents.com
Nature For Kids: http://www.NatureForKids.net
Chasqui Mom: http://www.ChasquiMom.com
Outdoor Families Magazine: http://www.OutdoorFamiliesOnline.com
Currently Wandering: http://www.CurrentlyWandering.com
The Mommy Hiker: http://www.MommyHiker.com
Rockies Family Adventures: http://www.RockiesFamilyAdventures.com
The Kid Project: http://www.KidProject.org
Rockieschick’s Adventures: http://www.Rockies-Chick.com
Moosefish: http://www.Moosefish.com
Tales of a Mountain Mama: http://www.TalesOfaMountainMama.com
Pedal Adventures: http://www.PedalAdventures.com
Val In Real Life: http://www.ValInRealLife.com
Adventure Awaits: http://www.AdventureAwaits.ca
Mountain Mom and Tots: http://www.MountainMomAndTots.com
Active Kids Club: http://www.activekidsclub.com/
Colorado Mountain Mom: http://coloradomountainmom.com/