The mountains! Fresh air! The thrill of gliding along the snow! You’ve dreamed of the day when you could bring your kids skiing, but now that it’s here, you may be asking,
“Uh…How do I help my child actually ski?”
An in-person lesson is a great choice, but they are expensive and once they end, what do you do with your kids then? Don’t worry, Mountain Mom is here to help!
Mountain Mom Ski School
The Mountain Mom online ski school was designed with you in mind! With bite-sized videos, downloadable pdfs, exclusive ski tips and more, Mountain Mom Ski School can help you teach your child to ski, or work as a supplement to in-person ski lessons.

Mountain Mom Online Ski School helps you teach your child to ski.

Parental and Professional Experience
Teach Skiing Through Play!
Benefits of Mountain Mom Ski School
Mountain Mom Ski School allows you to work at your own pace.
Get exclusive bite-sized ski instruction videos you can watch before skiing or even on the chair lift.
Print off the downloadable pdfs, cheat sheets and lesson guides or save them to your device for tips on the go.
Learn from a true ski mom for just $20. Really!

Just $20?
For just $20 you get instant access to the Mountain Mom Ski School. Then you’ll be charged $20 per month until you cancel.
Want some tips for your family ski vacation? Sign up, view what you want and cancel all in one day. Just $20.
Want season-long access to work on ski skills over multiple sessions? Sign up and pay just $20 per month until you cancel.
Use it when you need it, cancel when you don’t. Just $20.
Mountain Mom on Patreon
All Mountain Mom Ski School content becomes available when you become a $20 per month patron through my patreon account.
What is Patreon?
It’s a platform where readers like you can support your favorite online content creators with a monthly financial pledge. In exchange, you get exclusive content, including everything that’s part of the Mountain Mom Ski School.

Sign Up For Mountain Mom Ski School

Sign up for Ski Success

I Signed Up...Now What?
Once you sign up as a Mountain Mom Ski School patron, you’ll have instant access to the exclusive ski school content listed below.
Just come right back here to and click on whichever lesson you want to learn about in the Course Content section below.
I can’t wait to hear about your future family ski adventures.
See you on the slopes,
~Mountain Mom
Course Content Includes:
Psst…Skiing needs help with diversity. I offer an inclusion scholarship rebate of one month free for families of color if you send me a photo of video of your family skiing. See you on the slopes!

Not Ready to Join Mountain Mom Ski School on Patreon Yet?
Well I still want to help your family hit the slopes. Sign up below for a FREE Quick Tips for Skiing with Kids printable. That's right. In the box right after these words.