Utah’s Grotto Trail Hike and Monkey Mat Review

This post is part of a series of weekly gear reviews. Check back most Wednesdays* for reviews of cool gear for outdoor families.

In honor of National Public Lands Day, Mountain Dad and I went with some friends to Grotto Trail. Not only is this a great hike for kids, it was beautiful with fall colors in full effect.

While Big E and little g slid down the dirt slides, explored the stream and ran around with their friends the adults enjoyed the leaves. Occasionally we called the kids back to the trail in an attempt to finish the hike in less than three hours, but they were having so much fun playing we didn’t try too hard.

The colors were beautiful, the weather was perfect and the hike ideal. The trail is only 0.3 miles long, and ends in a twenty foot tall waterfall cave. And although the trail was fairly busy, it still had a feel of seclusion in the grotto.

We all enjoyed the hike so much we stopped for a picnic on the way out. Luckily I had my Monkey Mat to make things easier.

The Monkey Mat is a portable floor that folds into a convenient pouch making it an easy carry along for outdoor adventures. It was given to me for review at Outdoor Retailer and I’ve used it more than I expected in the last two months.

Now you may be thinking, isn’t that the same as a blanket? Although a blanket can serve the same purpose, the Monkey Mat stands out as being conveniently portable, as in it can fit in a large pocket or purse or clip onto a belt loop, backpack or stroller. The 5 by 5 foot square of water resistant material has weighted corners and toy and stake loops but folds up into the attached 6 by 6 inch zippered pouch.

There are times with a baby that I just need a clean place to put her down – going to the bathroom, helping another child, carrying something. The Monkey Mat makes that aspect of outdoor adventures much easier. At 6 months and not crawling yet, Baby L is the perfect age for the Monkey Mat. We’ve taken it on picnics, to the water park, as a stroller cover, even to put her down on my dirty floor at home. Within an hour of getting it I used it as a place to change a diaper on the side of a parking lot.

I have found that lugging three kids’ worth of stuff around makes me want to declutter everything, including what I take on outdoor adventures. The Monkey Mat gives me a space saving option that has made outdoor time more comfortable when sitting on the bare ground won’t work.

But even with the convenience of it, I don’t know that I would buy it myself. I’m frugal by nature and spending money for a portable floor when I already have a blanket or baby wrap seems redundant. With that said, had I received it as a baby shower gift I would use it all the time. It is a great gift for an outdoors loving parent.

Bottom line, when I have the Monkey Mat with me it can be a life saver, but sometimes it’s redundant. It’s list price is $19.99.


  • Lightweight, portable, and packable 
  • Fits into attached pouch and clips onto bags, belts, or strollers.
  • Water Resistant
  • Machine Washable (don’t dry it in the dryer to keep the water resistance)
  • Redundant if you already have a blanket or towel

*I know this is a Thursday, but I ran out of time to finish yesterday.

Directions to Grotto Trail in Utah:
Take I-15 to Payson Exit 254. Head South on Main Street until 100 North, Turn Left. Go East until 600 East and Turn Right. This road takes up up Payson Canyon. Follow for approx 7 miles to the trail head of Grotto Falls.

National Public Lands Day

Saturday, September 26, 2015 was National Public Lands Day. I appreciate the outdoors and LOVE National Parks so you would think that I would’ve known about National Public Lands Day before now. Nope. I found out about it Friday night. It was on Saturday.

My lack of awareness didn’t stop us from exploring on Saturday. In honor of the National Public Lands Day Mountain Dad and I took the tots on a hike in the nearby Wasatch – Cache – Uinta National Forest. My tots were stoked because not only was the trail fun and easy with a waterfall at the end, we went with friends so they could climb, slide, and explore with buddies.

I’m familiar with National Parks and National Forests but I wasn’t aware of the other agencies that manage public land in the US. I figured if I didn’t know about them, you might not either so here’s a quick list of the agencies involved in National Public Lands Day.

  • Bureau of Land Management – Founded in 1946, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administers more than 245 million acres of public lands in the United States, mostly in the 12 western states. BLM Land is used in a variety of ways including oil and gas development, cattle grazing, recreation and wilderness areas. 
  • US Army Corp of Engineers – The Army Corps of Engineers is the steward of the lands and waters at Corps water resources projects. To see all their locations click here.
  • USDA Forest Service – The US Forest Service manages 154 national forests and 20 grasslands in 44 states and Puerto Rico. Their efforts are focused on restoration, water resources and recreation. For locations of National Forests click here

Did you go explore on National Public Lands Day? Where did you go?

Motherhood Moments: Great Expectations

I’m not used to taking things easy.
When I first had Big E my whole world changed, including what was possible in the outdoors. All day hikes to the top of mountains were fun with just adults in tow, but once a baby was involved diaper changes and feedings changed what I did in the outdoors. Maybe an all day hike up a mountain was out, but I could still put the baby in the pack and get out for a hike.

Then Big E grew. Suddenly he wanted to toddle everywhere without being strapped into a pack. So we adapted, changed our expectations and went on short adventures or stroller accessible activities.
Then little g was born. We had to adapt again. Learn how to have two kids and balance their needs and mine was another learning curve that affected what we did in the outdoors. But Big E was bigger and could actually walk on his own now. We could still get outdoors, just at a toddler’s level.
Now there’s another one. Baby L is still in the floppy stage, unable to even sit up on her own. While adorable and lovable in every way, her lack of motor skills requires another redefinition of acceptable outdoor activity. And it’s tough.
With this hot weather I long to go kayaking with my family. We live near a great tubing river, but having a completely dependent child makes that activity too dangerous to contemplate.
Biking would be another fun alternative, but my bike trailer requires an infant insert and says it’s only suitable for children over six months. Summer will be over by the time Baby L is six months.
Another family favorite is off-roading. Mountain Dad loves driving the RZR but laws (and common sense) require all children to wear helmets and Baby L has just barely figured out how to hold up her head. I can’t imagine what it would be like wearing a heavy helmet, not to mention I don’t think her car seat would work in an off road vehicle.
I thought I had figured out that having kids requires adaptation to my life. I have learned to walk at a slower pace, to plan ahead, to change the activities from white water rafting to short hikes near to home. We’ve bought special gear, taken more time, given up when appropriate. But I still have to lower my expectations.
I’m not asking for much. It’s not like I’m an extreme athlete running Iron man triathlons every weekend. And I know all too well that babies grow and this will be temporary. That doesn’t change the chasm between what I WANT to do outdoors and what I’m ABLE to do outdoors.
Getting outdoors with young kids is tough, but I know I will keep trying, changing and adapting, because it is also important.

Motherhood Moments: Here Comes 2015!

2014 was a great year to be outdoors and I’m sure 2015 will be too. Part of the fun of New Years for me is thinking ahead at who I want to be in the coming year, how I want to change and what I can do to make that change happen.

I’m not planning to run an iron man or travel to all seven continents this year but I would like to push myself to experience the outdoors in different ways. Kid friendly ways. I’d like to participate in an outdoors service project. See how far little g can hike on her own. Teach Big E to ride a bike without training wheels. Get both of my kids out on skis at least once a week throughout the season. My goals may not be huge but they’re important to our family. Being outdoors improves my mood, helps us all get some exercise and makes me more grateful for the world around me.

The number one game changer for our Mountain family this year will be the arrival of Mountain Baby in March. Ready or not, she’s coming in ten weeks. How will having a newborn affect our camping, hiking and outdoors plans? I’m not entirely sure.

So far it’s kept me from snowboarding this season, and I don’t imagine skydiving anytime soon, but growing a child, feeling her flutters and kicks has connected me to the cycle of life in a very intimate way. I’m excited to be a mom again and remember the tender beginnings we all had. I’ve already experienced the expansion of love that comes with welcoming a baby into the world. Like the Grinch I expect my heart to “grow three sizes that day” because special things start in small packages. It’s a miracle to be a mom and I plan to treasure the happy moments before the chaos overwhelms me.

So what will your 2015 bring? What outdoors plans do you have and how do you accomplish them with young kids in tow? Leave a comment and let’s start this conversation!

Happy New Year!

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