This last week the tots and I explored three amazing waterfalls, all within a 40 minute drive of our house. The first falls of Waterfall Week was Battlecreek Falls – a favorite of mine that I got to share with some great blogging friends – Alyssa from The Kid Project and Kathy from GoAdventureMom.

The great thing about connecting with other outdoor moms is that they get it. They understand that getting young children out in nature isn’t easy, but like me they believe it’s worth it even through the dirt, tears and mishaps.
And this adventure had several mishaps.

1. My spray sunblock could’ve doubled as mace. The faulty tip made a powerful five foot spray that hit my eyes and that of Alyssa’s son (sorry again), ruined my shirt and overall did little to protect against the sun.
2. Rumbling sounds and dark clouds were not enough to keep us from hiking to the falls, and incidentally the hike ended in pouring rain and crying kids.
3. Little g said “I wanna walk!” but would then stop to examine every pebble and bug, forcing me to strap her screaming into a MobyWrap for the majority of the trip.
4. Nature called for Big E, forcing us to use a trailside toilet AKA a boulder behind some bushes.
5. Little g ate cherries, dug in dirt and played in the blackened remains of a fire pit leaving her looking like this.
Even with the misadventure parts of this adventure, watching my son run with delight through the trees, or proudly show off a bug he found reminded me of why I bother. It’s this. Being outdoors with my kids brings me joy, and sharing that joy with other moms makes it all the more joyful. Thanks Kid Project and GoAdventureMom for a great outdoor adventure!

Battlecreek Falls
Getting there: In Pleasant Grove follow 200 South toward the mountains. The road becomes Battlecreek Drive and dead ends at the trail head.
Length: 1 mile out and back
Difficulty: Moderate. The rocky trail follows a stream for much of the way but there are some steep sections that are tough with kids.
Tips: Bring other kids along to help entertain and encourage yours!