Mountain Mom and Tots is dedicated to helping families explore outdoors – especially yours!

Hi! I’m Mountain Mom.
I love skiing, biking, hiking and camping and I love doing them with my tots in tow, even though those tots keep growing up!
This website started in 2011 as a way to replenish brain cells that died from the tedium of constant diaper changes, toddler messes and playing Thomas the Train for hours on end.
Psst…You can read my first post here, but only if you promise not to judge.
I quickly found that parenting outdoors more helped me be a calmer, happier Mom. My kids got fresh air and exercise, made messes I didn’t have to clean up and learned a ton of great naturalist info. I believe that exploring outdoors is the best way to create a positive family environment and I want to help your family experience that too.
Mountain Mom and Tots is dedicated to helping families ACTUALLY explore outdoors in lots of ways including:
- Mountain Mom Ski School – In 2020 I became certified as a Childrens Specialist ski instructor. I realized I could help so many more families hit the slopes with the knowledge I learned so I created a complete online course to help you teach your child to ski. I’m pretty proud of it, so please check it out!
- Gear Recommendations – I strongly believe in using previously-loved kids gear as much as possible, so I only post the gear that I think is truly essential here.
- FREE Monthly Outdoor Adventures – I like hosting outdoor family adventures that require you to get outside, are things you can do with kids and cost little or nothing to complete.
- Patron Exclusive Content – My favorite people support Mountain Mom and Tots through monthly financial contributions on Patreon. I often give them exclusive content because, like I said, they are my favorite.
- Over 450 Blog Posts about exploring outdoors with kids.
- Personal Connection through my newsletter – the BEST part of Mountain Mom and Tots in my opinion. In fact, I’d love it if you signed up for my newsletter right here. Yes, in the box right after this sentence.
Now that that’s done, go ahead and look around Mountain Mom and Tots! Teach your child to mountain bike, read about our year of full-time RV living or sign up for a monthly outdoor family adventure. I hope whatever you find here at, it inspires you to adventure with your family outside.
See you in the outdoors,
~Mountain Mom